Komfort og varme
Den bløde foring omslutter dine fødder med varme og komfort. Forestil dig, at du kommer hjem fra arbejde med kolde fødder, træder ned i HappyFlops Comfy og slapper af efter en travl dag, mens dine fødder er varme og glade igen!
Mange forskellige farver
Der er masser af farver at vælge imellem, så de passer til ethvert hyggeligt outfit! Et par varme hjemmesko i smukke farver, en kop chokolade og udsigt til kulden hjemmefra - kan det blive meget hyggeligere?
Spar penge og vær komfortabel
Ingen grund til gulvvarme i år! Vores bløde og behagelige vinterhjemmesko holder dine fødder varme denne vinter. Nu kan du slukke for gulvvarmen og spare energi med god samvittighed.
Perfekt gave
Del dine HappyFlops Comfy med venner og familie, og gør dem glade. Et par varme hjemmesko i gave viser omsorg og kærlighed. Sørg for at købe et par til din partner, din bedste ven eller din mor. Med HappyFlops Comfy vil du gøre dine kære glade og varme. Det kan der være brug for i den mørke og triste vinter.
Mange forskellige farver
Der er masser af farver at vælge imellem, så de passer til ethvert hyggeligt outfit! Et par varme hjemmesko i smukke farver, en kop chokolade og udsigt til kulden hjemmefra - kan det blive meget hyggeligere?
Køb HappyFlops Comfy til hele familien
HappyFlops Comfy
Handmade from durable, long lasting, hardwearing ABS plastic.
This elegant self-watering plant pot comes in a sanded, smooth grey or white color and has been especially designed to look good on your dining room table, on the kitchen counter, on your office desk and in fact, anywhere you place it.
Available in 3 sizes, Small, Medium and Large to suit your home or office.
Ideal as a great gift for everyone, no matter what the occasion! Whether it’s for Mother’s or Father’s Day, a special birthday, Christmas or Easter, this self-watering flower pot is a great gift idea for friends, loved ones, and of course as the best excuse to pamper yourself.
Your very own self-watering plant pot
This self-watering plant pot is super convenient, uses water efficiently and takes care of your plant so you can worry about other things.
The self-watering principle works by an absorbent cotton rope which lies inside the base of the plant pot and is immersed in water. Wicking action absorbs the water from the base, makes the cotton rope moist and allows the plant’s roots to drink up the water.
Simply top up the water base instead of keeping track of the moisture level of the soil and your plant will take as much water as it needs.
With your very own self-watering plant/flower pot and automatic water absorption, you’ll have total peace of mind.
No more worrying if your plant needs water every day. It’s also easy to add water through a specially designed opening in the upper plant pot without disturbing the plant or the water base.
A detachable see-through water storage basin with absorbent cotton rope – fill with enough water so that your plant will regulate how much water it needs. A full basin will hold water for up to 20 days.
A detachable see-through water storage basin with absorbent cotton rope – fill with enough water so that your plant will regulate how much water it needs.
A full basin will hold water for up to 20 days.
As an attractive and effective solution to houseplant care, this self-watering plant pot is perfect for today’s busy lifestyles, and not only looks amazing but guarantees that your plant will live and last longer than you’ve ever know before.